I'm trying to use the template from http://jenkins-php.org in my installation of Jenkins. As soon as I go in to configure the project I get a grey screen appearing and the words 'Loading'
If I look in the Browser error console I get TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'registry.get')
Has anyone else experienced this problem? How can this be fixed?
We had this problem when upgraded to 1.528.
Digging further, we found out that the problem is originated from one of the client-side script files called "hudson-behavior.js" and is caused by the "Publish Over SSH" plugin. There have been other plugins that have caused this in the past, as well. We couldn't disable the plugin anyway. So we searched further.
Long story short, we ended up changing the script for the time being. If you, like us, install Jenkins using the war file, then the script file is probably extracted and cached in "/var/cache/jenkins/war/scripts/hudson-behavior.js".
The following change we made was in a function called "registerValidator":
if (depends==null) { // legacy behaviour where checkUrl is a JavaScript
try {
return eval(url); // need access to 'this', so no 'geval'
} catch (e) {
// set depends to an empty array.
depends = [];
var q = qs(this).addThis();
The URL may not always be valid. Thus, a try-catch is in order. Hope this helps!