well i need to execute a batch file in my Hudson Job, I have a parameter(Jenkis parameter) and i need to pass this value like param to batch file, i tried this:
Deploy.cmd -configuration=${DEPLOYCONFIGURATION} -source=${DeploySource}
My Deploy.cmd is configurated for get this values but Jenkis doesn't assign the values.. For example, i have this:
${DeploySource} = c:\myFolder
Then,the batch file take this values
%DeploySource% = ${DeploySource}
Takes the parameter name not its value
Execute your Batch file as like the below
Deploy.cmd -configuration=%DEPLOYCONFIGURATION% -source=%DeploySource%
In case your Jenkins server run in unix/ Linux machine use "export" command to set environment variable for windows use "set" command like the below
For Windows:
set DeploySource=c:\myFolder
For Unix:
export DeploySource=c:\myFolder
Hope it might solve your issue.
Thanks, Madhan