I store categories in documents which should be weighted in the documents itself, e.g. Restaurant - 0.5 (= 50%), Bar - 0.25, Music - 0.25. Unfortunately I'm new to solr and don't really know to which feature in solr it could belong.
The documents look like this:
<str name="id">C1</str>
<str name="name">Wine</str>
<str name="type">Compass</str>
<str name="geo">51.049842,13.740707</str>
<double name="radius">5.0</double>
<arr name="cat">
How could I query the expected weitght? Is there an other way than store similar entries?
You can achieve this with Payload feature of Solr/Lucene. Getting Started with Payloads will give you the general idea. Your document with payloads will look like:
<str name="id">C1</str>
<str name="name">Wine</str>
<str name="type">Compass</str>
<str name="geo">51.049842,13.740707</str>
<double name="radius">5.0</double>
<arr name="cat">
After you indexed the document you can have a custom score for your document, that can be based only on payloads or on a combination with lucene default span score.
You can find more examples of payload query usage in lucene-solr/tests.