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Url Routing for unknown number of params

I have seen this post: MVC Handler for an unknown number of optional parameters but it's for MVC and doesn't seem to work for me as I get an error:

A path segment that contains more than one section, such as a literal section or a parameter, cannot contain a catch-all parameter.

I want to be able to have an indeterminate amount of params in a Url, I have the following route:

RouteCollection.MapPageRoute("ManyParam", "{*params}.html", "~/Default.aspx");

This also seems to trigger the error message above.

How can I set up a route to have an unknown number of parameters in web forms (not MVC).

I am trying to achieve the following urls:


It seems to work when I use the following:

RouteCollection.MapPageRoute("ManyParam", "{*params}", "~/Default.aspx");

The problem is with this is that it doesn't allow the .html at the end.


  • Untested route below - the wildcard one have to be absolutely last portion of Url. So to force ".html" at the end you need to use constraint (5th argument).

        new RouteValueDictionary(),
        new RouteValueDictionary { { "path", @".*\.html" } }