Zucchini framework seems a promising candidate for quality assurance of iOS user interfaces.
However, the installation steps provided on their website assume that most of the prerequisites already exist OR that one is already familiar with the intricacies of command line.
I would like to know what requires to be installed before I can successfully install and use zucchini framework on Mac OSX.
Zucchini framework has the following requirements:
$> ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Update Homebrew
$> brew update
Install imagemagick and nodejs
$> brew install imagemagick node
Install coffee script module for nodejs
i. Install coffee script
$> npm install coffee-script
ii. Add coffee bin to your PATH environment variable
$> cd ~
$> sudo vim .bash_profile
, to switch into insert mode then add following linePATH=$PATH:$HOME/node_modules/coffee-script/bin
to save and :q
to quit vim iii. Verify that coffee script is successfully installed.
At the prompt
$> coffee
To exit from coffee script type following at the coffee>
Install and/or update ruby (if its less than 1.9.3)
i. ruby is installed on Mac OSX by default, verify using the following command:
$> ruby -v
ii. Install rvm (Ruby version manager)
$> \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails
iii. Add rvm bin directory to path variable
$> sudo vim .bash_profile
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
iv. Update ruby to 1.9.3 or later
$> rvm install 1.9.3
$> gem install zucchini-ios
NOTE: I have included the reference for each step from where I got help during installation.