I have a big issue with a scenario I am implementing, any help/pointers would be highly appreciated.
The scenario is as follows:
I found that I should use a hook that implements AutoLogin for comming for liferay and there is no problem.
The problem is authentication with OpenId and fetching data from OpenId
Can anyone help me about OpenId and how it can be integrated with Liferay
Hi every one and thanks for responses.
I used this link use autologin in liferay
and then used this class 4 openid RegistrationService.java class and open id works correctly now the the problem is that in this login link we have some parameters that we have to use in other war file how can i store this parameter in session and then retrieve after authenticate with openid?
I found the solution in Session Sharing between Portlet and Servlet it works on liferay 6.1.1
First I enable the Private portlet session by Adding the following tag in the liferay-portlet.xml
To share the session between portal and portlet. Define the shared session attribute in portal-ext.properties file by configuring the following property in the property file
session.shared.attributes= LIFERAY_SHARED_ , APP_SHARED_
and then in servlet class of hook module
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); session.setAttribute("APP_SHARED_test",testValue);
and then in your controller you can get value of APP_SHARED_test
String verCode= (String)actionRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("APP_SHARED_ver_code",PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);