I have a SSRS report that displays multi lookup values as
1;#Entry 1;2;#Entry 2;3;#Entr 3;4;#Entries;5;#Pens;6;#8 Flipcharts;7;#22 TVs
etc .
I want to display the values as
Entry 1;Entry2;Entry3;Entries;Pens;8 Flipcharts;22 TVs
I tried the below code , but the code replaces the numbers in the value side with blank.
Function ScrubText(ByVal value As String) As String
Return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(value,";#\d*;#", "; ").Trim()
End Function
How to modify regular expression in the above code?
so now you should be replacing in steps first do this
";d;" with ";"
then replace
"#" with ""
this should do the trick.