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how can I pass infinity to redis from python?

I'm using redis-py and want to use -inf and inf with ZRANGEBYSCORE. I tried to do this using string and float of inf but those return an empty set. How can I do this?


I tried doing the following command:

redis.StrictRedis.ZRANGEBYSCORE("SORTEDSET", "-inf", "inf")  


redis.StrictRedis.ZRANGEBYSCORE("SORTEDSET", float("-inf"), float("inf"))

UPDATE My error was that my abstraction for zrangebyscore was using zrange by mistake...inf works as stated below.


  • This is my code has been tested:

    import unittest
    from redis import Redis
    class RedisTest(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            self.redis = Redis()
        def test_zrangebyscore(self):
            r = self.redis
            name = 'myset'
            r.zadd(name, 'one', 1)
            r.zadd(name, 'two', 2)
            r.zadd(name, 'three', 3)
            r.zadd(name, 'four', 4)
            self.assertTrue(r.zrangebyscore(name, '-inf', '+inf') == ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'])
            self.assertTrue(r.zrangebyscore(name, 1, 1) == ['one'])
            self.assertTrue(r.zrangebyscore(name, 1, 2) == ['one', 'two'])
            self.assertTrue(r.zrangebyscore(name, 2, 3) == ['two', 'three'])
            self.assertTrue(r.zrangebyscore(name, '(1', '(2') == [])
            self.assertTrue(r.zrangebyscore(name, '(1', '(3') == ['two'])