I'm using Access 2010 and have tables setup to identify a particular video file. I have a button on a form that will launch the video file with WindowsMediaPlayer. The problem is that I want to update the table(s) after the video has run. I've created this quick from a button on a form (fTest1) but the next part I've been searching around for a while.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim player As WindowsMediaPlayer
DoCmd.OpenForm "fTest2"
Set player = Forms!fTest2!WMP.Object
Forms!fTest2!WMP.URL = "S:\Training Videos\Wildlife.wmv"
' here is where I want to do something after the file has finished
I did a test with a msgbox but it shows up while the video is playing. Looking for like a call or wait until or something.
Any help would be appreciated.
After stumbling around testing I found a post at access-programmers.co.uk by a ghudson for the following function.
Public Function Pause(NumberOfSeconds As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err_Pause
Dim PauseTime As Variant, start As Variant
PauseTime = NumberOfSeconds
start = Timer
Do While Timer < start + PauseTime
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Pause()"
Resume Exit_Pause
End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim player As WindowsMediaPlayer
Dim VideoDone As String
DoCmd.OpenForm "fTest2"
Set player = Forms!ftest2!WMP.Object
Forms!ftest2!WMP.URL = "S:\Training Videos\Wildlife.wmv"
VideoDone = "No"
Pause 5
Do While VideoDone = "No"
Pause 2
If player.playState = wmppsStopped Then VideoDone = "Yes"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "fTest2"
End Sub
The button is on a test form called "fTest1". I get no "not responding" or busy "circles". Works like a charm.