I'm learning c and this is an exercise in the book 'Head First C' and my code looks the same as the sample but I'm getting the above error.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum {
typedef union {
short count;
float weight;
float volume;
typedef struct{
const char *name;
const char *country;
quantity amount;
unit_of_measure units;
void display(fruit_order order)
printf("The order contains ");
if(order.amount==PINTS) //ERROR HERE
printf("%2.2f pints of %s\n",order.amount.weight, order.name);
else if(order.amount==POUNDS){ //ERROR HERE
printf("%2.2f lbss of %s\n",order.amount.weight, order.name);
printf("%i %s\n",order.amount.weight, order.name);
int main()
fruit_order apples = {"apples","Canada", .amount.count=100, COUNT};
fruit_order strawberries = {"strawberries","England", .amount.count=100, PINTS};
fruit_order oj = {"juice","USA", .amount.count=100, PINTS};
return 0;
What does this error mean?
void display(fruit_order order)
printf("The order contains ");
if(order.units==PINTS) {
printf("%2.2f pints of %s\n",order.amount.weight, order.name);
else if(order.units==POUNDS){
printf("%2.2f lbss of %s\n",order.amount.weight, order.name);
else {
printf("%i %s\n",order.amount.weight, order.name);
is unit_of_measure
, we should use order.units==PINTS
; And I recommend we always use {}
in if
statement to make the code clearer. I just noticed the original code has missing bracket.