when we use this API https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/tags, the id and name of the tag is alone exposed... we get this response without colour property
{"data":[{"id":745415432,"name":"niceTag"},{"id":74273131186,"name":"halfBoil"}, {"id":745540236,"name":"DummyTag"}]}
To get the colour property of the tags, we need to individually make a GET request to https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/projects/project-id.
I might be unnecessarily using the server resource for getting colour properties of individual tags. Is there any other way to get the colours?
In most requests for a set of resources, we send what's called the "compact" form - for tags and projects, this includes only the ID and name. However, you can use the opt_fields
parameter to request specific fields. For example, if you wanted to get all projects with name and color (ID is always sent), you could use: https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/projects\?opt_fields\=name,color
This works for any fields you need in a collection. For more information on opt_fields
and other tricks (like using opt_expand
to expand embedded resources) see the documentation on input/output options.