I've extended IconItemRenderer
to create a custom item renderer needed for a project I am working on. The renderer works fine right now, except I cannot figure out how to add more images beyond the icon
and decorator
. I need to add three additional images and cannot figure out how.
What I have been trying (the renderer is entirely written in AS3):
override protected function createChildren():void {
this.downloadIcon = new BitmapImage();
this.downloadIcon.source = "assets/images/download-160.png";
var down:DisplayObject = this.downloadIcon.createDisplayObject();
this.addChild( down );
As far as I can tell, that should work. If I load that source as the iconDisplay source, it loads just fine so it isn't the source. It also does not matter what source I use (or even local vs external). I have also tried using code from the IconItemRenderer source to no avail:
private function assignDisplayObject(bitmapImage:BitmapImage):void
if (bitmapImage)
// try using this display object first
if (bitmapImage.setSharedDisplayObject(this))
bitmapImage.displayObjectSharingMode = DisplayObjectSharingMode.USES_SHARED_OBJECT;
// if we can't use this as the display object, then let's see if
// the icon already has and owns a display object
var ownsDisplayObject:Boolean = (bitmapImage.displayObjectSharingMode != DisplayObjectSharingMode.USES_SHARED_OBJECT);
// If the element doesn't have a DisplayObject or it doesn't own
// the DisplayObject it currently has, then create a new one
var displayObject:DisplayObject = bitmapImage.displayObject;
if (!ownsDisplayObject || !displayObject)
displayObject = bitmapImage.createDisplayObject();
// Add the display object as a child
// Check displayObject for null, some graphic elements
// may choose not to create a DisplayObject during this pass.
if (displayObject)
bitmapImage.displayObjectSharingMode = DisplayObjectSharingMode.OWNS_UNSHARED_OBJECT;
Nothing displays using either method. Could someone explain what I am doing wrong with this?
Using Flex 4.10 and AIR 3.8 if that helps at all.
EDIT: As requested by Reboog, here is the full item renderer minus imports
public class VideoItemRenderer extends IconItemRenderer
private static const OUTER_PADDING:uint = 15;
private static const INNER_PADDING:uint = 10;
private var description:StyleableTextField;
private var progressBar:ProgressBar;
private var downloadContainer:Group;
private var deleteIcon:VideoDeleteIcon;
private var downloadIcon:Image;
public function VideoItemRenderer()
this.addEventListener( FlexEvent.DATA_CHANGE, this.dataChangeHandler );
this.minHeight = 106;
this.iconFunction = this.iconSelectFunction;
this.iconHeight = 76;
this.iconWidth = 107;
private function iconSelectFunction( item:Object ):Object {
return "assets/images/background-160.png";
override protected function createChildren():void {
this.labelDisplay.wordWrap = true;
this.labelDisplay.multiline = true;
this.description = StyleableTextField(createInFontContext(StyleableTextField));
this.description.styleName = this;
this.description.editable = false;
this.description.selectable = false;
this.description.multiline = true;
this.description.wordWrap = true;
this.description.setStyle( "fontFamily", "josefin" );
this.description.setStyle( "fontWeight", "bold" );
this.description.text = "Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet.";
this.addChild( this.description );
this.deleteIcon = new VideoDeleteIcon();
this.deleteIcon.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, this.deleteClickHandler );
this.addChild( this.deleteIcon );
this.downloadContainer = new Group();
this.addChild( this.downloadContainer );
this.progressBar = new ProgressBar();
this.downloadContainer.addChild( this.progressBar );
this.downloadIcon = new Image();
this.downloadIcon.source = "assets/images/download-160.png";
this.downloadContainer.addChild( downloadIcon );
override protected function drawBackground(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
unscaledWidth = Math.min( this.owner.width, unscaledWidth );
graphics.beginFill( 0xffffff, .1 );
graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight );
opaqueBackground = null;
override protected function layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
unscaledWidth = Math.min( this.owner.width, unscaledWidth );
super.layoutContents( unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight );
if ( this.iconDisplay ) {
this.setElementSize( this.iconDisplay, 107, 76 );
this.setElementPosition( this.iconDisplay, OUTER_PADDING, OUTER_PADDING );
this.setElementPosition( this.labelDisplay, this.iconDisplay.x + this.getElementPreferredWidth( this.iconDisplay ) + INNER_PADDING, OUTER_PADDING );
this.setElementPosition( this.description, this.iconDisplay.x + this.getElementPreferredWidth( this.iconDisplay ) + INNER_PADDING, this.labelDisplay.y + this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.labelDisplay ) + INNER_PADDING );
else {
this.setElementPosition( this.labelDisplay, OUTER_PADDING, OUTER_PADDING );
this.setElementPosition( this.description, OUTER_PADDING, this.labelDisplay.y + this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.labelDisplay ) + INNER_PADDING );
this.setElementSize( this.labelDisplay, unscaledWidth - this.labelDisplay.x - OUTER_PADDING, this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.labelDisplay ) );
this.setElementSize( this.description, unscaledWidth - this.description.x - OUTER_PADDING, this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.description ) );
this.setElementPosition( this.deleteIcon, unscaledWidth - this.getElementPreferredWidth( this.deleteIcon ), 0 );
var descriptionHeight:Number = this.description.y + this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.description );
var iconHeight:Number = this.iconDisplay ? this.iconDisplay.y + this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.iconDisplay ) : 0;
//this.setElementSize( this.progressBar, this.description.width, 5 );
this.progressBar.width = this.description.width;
this.setElementPosition( this.downloadContainer, 0,Math.max( descriptionHeight, iconHeight ) + OUTER_PADDING );
this.setElementPosition( this.progressBar, this.description.x, ( this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.downloadContainer ) - this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.progressBar ) ) / 2 );
var downloadHeight:Number = this.getElementPreferredHeight( this.downloadContainer ) + this.downloadContainer.y;
this.height = downloadHeight + OUTER_PADDING;
private function dataChangeHandler( e:FlexEvent ):void {
if ( this.data ) {
this.label = this.data.label.toUpperCase();
Ok, so I managed to figure out what was going on.
Originally, I tried adding the image to the downloadContainer
which was a Sprite
(honest mistake on my part; just finished an AS3 project last week). It appears that using downloadContainer.addChild(Image)
does not appear to be possible, which is why IconItemRenderer
uses BitmapImage#createDisplayObject()
and adds the created DisplayObject.
I switched the container to a Group, used addElement, and made ProgressBar
extend UIComponent
instead of Sprite and everything worked as I believed it should have originally.
So use this:
var container:Group = new Group();
addChild( container );
var image:Image = new Image();
image.source = "blah.png";
container.addElement( image );
That will successfully add the image.