I am new to Python and Django. I am attempting to clone a repo from our remote/live server to a dev server at home so i can work on the website without worry as I am pretty much clueless still when it comes to Django. Unfortunately I cannot seem to get the site running. From what I understand the process should go something like this:
1] Create home folder for repo
2] virtualenv the folder
3] source the folder/bin/activate
4] clone repo into folder
5] pip requirements.txt of repo to install dependencies
6] syncdb
7] migrate data with south
8] profit
However when i get to step 6 "syncdb" I get a "Database Error: no such table: django_site". Doh, i forgot to point the settings file at an sqlite3 db. So i edited settings.py and commented out the actual db information and set the user/pass to "", set the ENGINE to "django.db.backend.sqlite3" and specified a "temp.db" and tried again but I am still getting the same error. Any help would be great, feel free to knock any wholes in my process i listed up there, i really want to do this the best way.
My database settings are :
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backend.sqlite3',
'NAME': 'db.sqlite3',
'USER': '',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '',
If you are getting "Database Error: no such table: django_site" chances are you didn't run 'syncdb' after you properly set the database settings.