I currently have this function which init's my user defaults:
+ (void)initialize
// Create a dictionary to hold the default user preference values
NSMutableDictionary *defaultValues = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// Put defaults in the dictionary
[defaultValues setObject:@(YES) forKey:@"pref key 1"];
... (further inits)
MyCStruct struct;
struct.width = struct.height = 0;
struct.frameDuration = struct.frameTimeScale = 0;
NSValue* structDefaultValue = [NSValue value:&struct
[defaultValues setObject:structDefaultValue
// Register the dictionary of defaults
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults: defaultValues];
I get an Obj-C exception breakpoint in "CFRetain" while registering the defaults. Everything was fine BEFORE I used the NSValue, so I'm sure that's something memory related. I know that the struct is just valid on the local function stack, so I'm wondering if this is the problem? Does NSValue copy the value it gets a pointer to?
Should I create the struct on the heap?
You can't store an NSValue
direct into user defaults because it's backed by a plist. So all of the entries in the dictionary need to be valid for storage in a plist. Consider storing the values as basic integers or encoding the struct to data or a string format.