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Trying to build a tic tac toe without any state (in pure fp style)

I am learning Clojure and trying to implement a simple tic-tac-toe (or morpion). But i am working hard in order to avoid any ref/atom/agent ...

I know I could do it easily in a console application, as it would not be event-driven, so that I would exactly know when to pass in a new board value. I mean

  • my board would be a vector of vectors ([[:circle 0 :cross][:any :circle :empty][:cross :none :none]] where only :circle and :cross values matter)
  • I would have a simple text-based method which takes a board and return a string

But, whenever I want to implement a graphical Panel, I wonder how can I do the same thing. For example :

  • I am creating an instance of javax.swing.JPanel (please don't care about the other methods that are used here) :

    (defn make-board-panel
    "Builds the board JPanel, whose state is given by board argument,
    and turn-piece argument (must be either :circle or :cross, I mean the next
    value to set in the board)."
    [board turn-piece]
    {:pre ['morpion.core/is-board? board, 'morpion.core/is-a-player-piece? turn-piece]}
      (proxy [JPanel MouseListener] []
        (paintComponent [g]
            (proxy-super paintComponent g)
            (paint-board-lines g)
            (paint-board board g)
        (mouseClicked [e]
            (if (and (abs-coord-in-cell? (.getX e)) (abs-coord-in-cell? (.getY e)))
                (let [cell-x (abs-coord-to-rel (.getX e))
                        cell-y (abs-coord-to-rel (.getY e))]
                    ;; Here I compute the new board value
                nil ;; Here I wish I could return the new board value to the caller of make-board-panel, but this seems impossible !
        (mouseEntered [e])
        (mouseExited [e])
        (mousePressed [e])
        (mouseReleased [e])
  • But it seems that there are no way for me to fetch the new value of the board, from the mouseClicked event of the Panel : unless I introduce a state variable.

So is there a workaround :

Sources for my complete project :

(I've tried to improve thanks to Igrapenthin comment, but I am still failing.)


  • (defn make-board-panel
     [board turn-piece output-fn]
     (proxy [JPanel MouseListener] []
       ;; ...
       (mouseClicked [e]
         (when (and (abs-coord-in-cell? (.getX e)) 
               (abs-coord-in-cell? (.getY e)))
           (let [cell-x (abs-coord-to-rel (.getX e))
                 cell-y (abs-coord-to-rel (.getY e))]
              ;; Here I compute the new board value
              (output-fn new-board-value))))
        ;; ...