I am doing some coding in dapper and I get the error No mapping exists from object type to a known managed provider native type this error occurs on the myfriends var for dapper . I am using dapper to get a list of INT values from a table then comparing them against another.. this is the code that gives me that error
int myid = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
// The var myfriend is giving me that error above
var myfriends = sqlConnection.Query<friend>("Select otherfriendsID from friends where profileID=@myidd", new { myidd = myid }).ToList();
var profiles = sqlConnection.Query<profile>("Select top 40 * from profiles where photo is not null AND profileID=@friendship order by profileID desc", new {friendship=myfriends}).ToList();
however if I use entity everything works fine for instance this code below works..
var myfriends = (from s in db.friends where s.profileID == myid select s.otherfriendsID).ToList();
What could be going on here..
is a List<friend>
. You then pass that in as a query parameter, i.e.
new {friendship=myfriends}
AND profileID=@friendship
Now... what is @friendship
? How should it pass in a List<friend>
here? What does that even mean to pass in a list of objects (each of which could have multiple properties) as a single parameter? (note: I'm ignoring table-valued-parameters for the purposes of this question)
So: how many myfriends
do you expect? 0? 1? any number? This could be, for example:
var profileIds = myfriends.Select(x => x.ProfileId);
new {profileIds}
AND profileID in @profileIds
or maybe:
new {profileId = myfriends.Single().ProfileId}
AND profileID = @profileId