So I basically do this.
OObjectDatabaseTx result = "local:orientdb", "admin", "admin");
The problem is that when I redeploy my webapp (without restarting the Java EE container) I get the folling error:
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot open local storage 'orientdb' with mode=rw
which I interpret to mean "Tomcat still has a filelock from the last app".
So my question is how do I cleanly exit in this scenario? I've tried:
new OObjectDatabaseTx("local:orientdb").close()
but neither seem to work. Any ideas? The documentation isn't exactly clear on this issue.
Set the property "storage.keepOpen" to false:
java ... -Dstorage.keepOpen=false ...
or via Java code:
OGlobalConfiguration.STORAGE_KEEP_OPEN.setValue( false );