I have server running on apache. I use bottle.py. When I'm going to xxx/getbio, SOMETIMES it returns :
Error: 500 Internal Server Error: Template 'bio' not found.
This error occurs not all time: if I restart apache, it's normalizing for several hours, but happens again. Here is code fragment :
def getBio():
return template('bio')
Here is file structure :
├── views/
│ ├── bio.tpl
└── index.py
And I didin't missed following lines of code:
Please help me, because I don't have idea how to fix this bug
Add your template location to TEMPLATE_DIR
, not to sys.path
bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, 'views')
You may find that it's more robust to use the absolute path:
bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, '/path/to/xxx/views')