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Copy worksheets to new workbook and prevent them changing

I have a VBA loop to generate a series of dashboards. It works by changing a two letter code in one particular cell, preforming a look-up, and allowing a set of charts to update on that worksheet. So far I have been exporting PDFs for each of the refreshed dashboard, but now I need to make a static copy of that worksheet in excel.

In between swapping the codes, can I make a copy of the worksheet that updates, and save it in another workbook. I would end up generating one workbook with 20 similar worksheets. I want the charts to be frozen indefinitly.

Can I do this by preventing automatic re-calculation, or can anyone suggest another method? The worksheet itself contains 10-15 seperate charts.


  • If I understand correctly, you want to copy the current sheet to a new sheet on an existing workbook, stripping out any formulas or VBA? This should do it.

    Sub transferStrip(destFile As String)
        Dim wbSource As Workbook
        Dim wbDest As Workbook
        Dim shCopy As Worksheet
        Dim shPaste As Worksheet
        Dim chtIndex As Integer
        Set wbSource = ActiveWorkbook
        Set wbDest = Workbooks.Open(destFile)
        Set shCopy = wbSource.Sheets("[SheetName]")
        Set shPaste = wbDest.Sheets.Add(After:=wbDest.Sheets(wbDest.Sheets.Count))
        shPaste.Range("A1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteFormats)
        shPaste.Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
        chtIndex = 1
        For Each ch In shCopy.ChartObjects
            shPaste.Shapes(chtIndex).Left = shCopy.ChartObjects(chtIndex).Left
            shPaste.Shapes(chtIndex).Top = shCopy.ChartObjects(chtIndex).Top
        Next ch
    wbDest.Close (True)
    End Sub

    You will need to change to change [SheetName] to the name of the sheet you wish to copy from in the source workbook, and to pass the path of the workbook you wish to copy to as destFile.