I have a vector "nameAlpha" such as c("Mark Twain", "Phil Hall", "Michael P. O'Connor", " ",...). I want to pass each first name to another vector "nameAlpha_first". I run this
nameAlpha_first <- sapply(strsplit(nameAlpha, "\\s+"), "[[", 1)
But I get
Error in FUN(X[[12L]], ...) : subscript out of bounds
Could it be because few elements of the vector are empty? How I move to fix it?
Assume we define and preprocess a character vector as such:
nameAlpha<-c("Mark Twain", NA, "Phil Hall",
"Michael P. O'Connor", " ", "", NA, "John")
You should write
sapply(strsplit(nameAlpha, "\\s+"), head, n=1)
And it will work. If you want the last name you can do
sapply(strsplit(nameAlpha, "\\s+"), tail, n=1)
which will provide you with the vector of last names.