I have following XML document:
<Form ID="1">
<Person Name="Mike"/>
<Person Name="Alan"/>
I have created the Strongly Typed DataSet file (.XSD) and the MyForm.cs file based on that .XSD file
Then, how to add a new Person to table Persons ?
I tried that code:
Form_3 form = new Form_3();
form.ReadXml(TextBox1.Text, XmlReadMode.Auto)
Form3.Person newPerson= form.Person.NewPersonRow();
newPerson.Name= "Tony";
but the result is:
<Form ID="1">
<Person Name="Mike"/>
<Person Name="Alan"/>
<Person Name="Tony"/>
so, I tried that code:
Form3.Person newPerson= form.Person.NewPersonRow();
newPerson.Name= "Tony";
but this thows an exception:
"This row already belongs to another table."
So how to resolve that problem ?
[EDIT] Here's my Form_3.XSD file schema: Click here to see
Finally ! It worked :)
I just had to insert that line:
newPerson.Form_Id = 0;
Thanks to this, the framework knows where exactly insert the newPersonRow
So, the code looks like that:
Form3.Person newPerson= form.Person.NewPersonRow();
newPerson.Name= "Tony";
newPerson.Form_Id = 0;
Thank You guys for Your help ! :)