I am using Boa web server on an ARM based board. I wish to use a cgi script as the home page.
In boa.conf, I used the option
DirectoryIndex index.cgi
However, when entering the IP of the host board in my browser, all I get is error 403, and the page is only accessible if I manually add /index.cgi to the address bar.
When changing back to
DirectoryIndex index.html
everything works fine.
I've tried playing around with Alias and ScriptAlias but those didn't help. I realize I can use an html redirect from index.html as a last resort, but I feel like there must be a better way.
So I've found this patch
It is written around boa-0.94.14rc20 while I'm using boa-0.94.13
I've managed to get it to compile and work by changing the following line:
req->cgi_type = CGI;
reg->is_cgi = CGI;
This still isn't perfect though since passing parameters to the cgi page in boa.conf still results in error 403.