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Yii: What is signature of behaviors?

what is signature of behaviors in yii? should this be a function or a class method? Can any provide sample code?


  • There is no signature for behaviors, as behaviors are intented to add some function to class. Only requirement is to extend from CBehavior. Like in wiki or docs:

    class SomeClass extends CBehavior
        public function add($x, $y) { return $x + $y; }
    class Test extends CComponent
        public $blah;
    $test = new Test(); 
    // Attach behavior
    $test->attachbehavior('blah', new SomeClass);
    // Now you can call `add` on class Test
    $test->add(2, 5);

    However since PHP 5.4 you can use Traits which are native php implementation and have a lot more features, example above with traits:

    // NOTE: No need to extend from any base class
    trait SomeClass
        public function add($x, $y) { return $x + $y; }
    class Test extends CComponent
        // Will additionally use methods and properties from SomeClass
        use SomeClass;
        public $blah;
    $test = new Test(); 
    // You can call `add` on class Test because of `use SomeClass;`
    $test->add(2, 5);

    There are a lot more features with traits