Need some help in plugin development.
I've created hook in user/edit form view, added ballance_amount
to form and have "ballance_amount"=>"1"
How can I extend default update action in user controller?
In base.class_eval do
I've added alias_method_chain :update, :ballance
In InstanceMethods
def update_with_ballance
ballance.amount = params[:user][:ballance_amount].to_f #I have ballance association
And get this:
NameError (undefined local variable or method `params' for #<User:0x007f972e9379d0>):
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:144:in `update'
How can I fetch params?
You should be able to make use of the mass-assignment code in the Redmine itself. Line 135 in the UsersController should handle provide you with a simple entry point for your extension, if balance_amount
is considered a safe_attribute
. To achieve that, add a patch like the following to the User model:
module RedmineBalancePlugin::UserPatch
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
safe_attributes 'balance_amount'
include InstanceMethods
module InstanceMethods
# This method is indirectly called when creating or updating a User
def balance_amount=(amount)
balance.amount = amount
# This could be useful in your view patch, but maybe not
def balance_amount
User.send(:include, RedmineBalancePlugin::UserPatch)
If this example does not help, it would be helpful, if you could provide more code fragments - e.g. the complete patch to the UsersController, to make it easier to reproduce and analyse the issue.