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Quickblox: arrays in custom objects are not being downloaded correctly

- (void)loadUserInfoForId:(int)userId
    NSMutableDictionary *getRequest = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    [getRequest setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:userId] forKey:@"user_id"];
    [QBCustomObjects objectsWithClassName:@"orgeen_users_info" extendedRequest:getRequest delegate:self];

- (void)completedWithResult:(Result *)result
    if(result.success && [result isKindOfClass:QBCOCustomObjectPagedResult.class])
        QBCOCustomObjectPagedResult *getObjectsResult = (QBCOCustomObjectPagedResult *)result;
        QBCOCustomObject *userInfo = getObjectsResult.objects[0];

        NSLog(@"array_test: %@", userInfo.fields[@"array_test"]);

The output shows that fields[@"array_test"] = 558:

array_test: 558

At the same time the admin panel shows that fields[@"array_test"] = {"123", "558"}: enter image description here

And according to QB log output, that's true:

<array_test type="array">

What am I doing wrong?

P.S. The problem is not that the wrong object is being downloaded, I checked by object and user id.


  • Please try QuickBlox iOS SDK 1.8.5

    It works ok