I know that in my /page.html
I can do:
<body class="lift:content_id=main">
<div id="main" class="lift:surround?with=default;at=content">
<title class="lift:head">TITLE_GOES_HERE</title>
... but it would be much more transparent for designers to be able to just put <title/>
in the <head/>
of a /page.html
Would it be possible for a <title/>
snippet used in /templates-hidden/default.html
to somehow read the regular head <title/>
in currently used /page.html
I think the answer is rather "no", because Lift reads only the data inside id="???"
in page.html
. This is an architecture choice AFAIK.
You should ask on the mailing list, I think, if you propose any changes to the Lift architecture.
BTW, do you know that the title is overridden (inserted) if you use the SiteMap
?: https://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/liftweb/SiteMap