I am looking for the best solution to draw mapping diagram in EA. I find that composite structure diagram might suits my needs. I have even found good example of such diagram on the net:
(Original source: http://www.dthomas.co.uk/dtalm/images/eshot/test/data_map.JPG)
This diagram was fully created in EA (as author claims). However I am not able to attach 'represents' relation to the attribute. Does any one know how to do that (I am talking about those little open squares in class representations).
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Good question! I found your answer in Google Groups:
draw a dependency from one class to the other.
Then Right Click on the left side of the dependency and chose Link to Element Feature, chose Attribut and then select your attribute.
On the right side the same procedure.
On my EA 10 (Corp.Ed.), I was able to reproduce the described steps. See attached image.