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rails button_to replace quotes with single quoute

I try should get button_to but with no qoutes

while rendering

button_to "Delete",
  :confirm=>"Are you sure?"

the output is

<form action="/radio/tags/654" class="button_to" method="post">
    <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="delete" />
    <input class="destroy" data-confirm="Are you sure?" type="submit" value="Delete" />
    <input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="eXM0McnTzuhnYIxrLLYF7kjp76fdMdZpq6HPc++ogog=" />

but i need with no qoutes

than i rendered

(button_to "Delete",
  :confirm=>"Are you sure?"

but then the output is like html_safe

&lt;form action=&quot;/radio/tags/654&quot; class=&quot;button_to&quot; method=&quot;post&quot;&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;input name=&quot;_method&quot; type=&quot;hidden&quot; value=&quot;delete&quot; /&gt;&lt;input class=&quot;destroy&quot; data-confirm=&quot;Are you sure?&quot; type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Delete&quot; /&gt;&lt;input name=&quot;authenticity_token&quot; type=&quot;hidden&quot; value=&quot;eXM0McnTzuhnYIxrLLYF7kjp76fdMdZpq6HPc++ogog=&quot; /&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/form&gt;

how can i remove the quotes but still use the html tags


  • You need to correct two things:

    • gsub call to match doublequotes
    • mark the output as html safe

    Like that:

    button_to("Delete", radio_tag_path(tag),
      :method=>:delete, :class=>:destroy, :confirm=>"Are you sure?"