There is an SQL Agent Job containing a complex Integration Services Package performing some ETL Jobs. It takes between 1 and 4 hours to run, depending on our data sources. The Job currently runs daily, without problems. What I would like to do now is to let it run in an endless loop, which means: When it's done, start over again.
The scheduler doesn't seem to provide this option. I found that it would be possible to use the steps interface to go to step one after the last step is finished, but there's a problem using that method: If I need to stop the job, I would need to do that in a forceful way. However I would like to be able to let the job stop after the next iteration. How can I do that?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Since neither Martin nor Remus created an answer, here is one so the question can be accepted. The best way is to simply set the run frequency to a very low value, like one minute. If it is already running, a second instance will not be created. If you want to stop the job after the current run, simply disable the schedule.