Hello dear Stackoverflowers! Here is my problem...
I'm trying to move some basic functionality for my object to external package.
I've got MovieClip item in my library with name mcUnit: which is actually a rectangle F8-ed in to Move Clip. I'm setting the AS Linkage to the package I want it to use: clGameUnit;
Here is part of the clGameUnit code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class clGameUnit extends MovieClip
// Declaring all local object related variable
var clGU:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var isOver:Boolean = false;
// Declaring all global object related variable
public var b_u_Selected:Boolean = false;
public var p_u_Coordinates:Point = new Point();
public var u_Image:int = 0;
//Declaring all object related methods
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on_Object_LClick);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onObjectMouseOver);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onObjectMouseOut);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK, on_Object_RClick);
public function clGameUnit ()
And the error I get it:
1120: Access of undefined property clGU.
1120: Access of undefined property on_Object_LClick.
1120: Access of undefined property ... [other event listeners functions]
Already tried everything. Even making the constructor send the object to the undefined property clGU:
public function clGameUnit (obj: MovieClip)
clGU = obj;
And on the time line I call this Constructor manually:
var mcGameObj: clGameUnit = new clGameUnit (mcGUnit);
mcGUnit is the Instance name for the mcUnit instance that I assign it in properties. Here thing become even more complicated so I discarded this variant.
If there is a need to upload my project, will do so gladly!
Really need your help fellaz!
Put these lines into a function
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on_Object_LClick);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onObjectMouseOver);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onObjectMouseOut);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK, on_Object_RClick);
For example
public function clGameUnit () {
private function init():void {
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on_Object_LClick);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onObjectMouseOver);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onObjectMouseOut);
clGU.addEventListener (MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK, on_Object_RClick);