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VHDL tags not efficient in vim with ctags+taglist

I use Vim with ctags and Taglist plugins. When editing .vhd files, the tags are very poor (only the entity is displayed).

I don't know if ctags support for VHDL is weak or if Taglist is reading unefficiently the file created by ctags.

How can I fix that ? Is there another solution to create better tag for vhdl with ctags/taglist ?

Thanks a lot.


  • If you find ctags' support for something insufficient, you can extend it by adding a series of declarations to a .ctags file in your home directory. For example, for VHDL you could use the code found here:

    --regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*package[ \t]+([^ ]+) is/\1/d,package declarations/i
    --regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*package[ \t]+body[ \t]+([^ ]+) is/\1/b,package bodies/i
    --regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*architecture[ \t]+([^ ]+) of/\1/a,architecture specifications/i
    --regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*entity[ \t]+([^ ]+) is/\1/e,entities/i
    --regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*([^ \t:]+)[ \t]*:[ \t]*process[ \t]*\(/\1/p,processes/i
    --regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*function[ \t]+([a-z0-9_]+)/\1/f,functions/i
    --regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*procedure[ \t]+([a-z0-9_]+)/\1/r,procedures/i
    --regex-vhdl=/^[ \t]*type[ \t]+([^ ]+) is/\1/t,type declarations/i