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Source code save plot R; gWidgets

I am looking for the source of the save function in the pop up menu in a ggraphics(). Can anyone help me?


  • The save code is in the svalue<- method. For gWidgetsRGtk2 it is available on r-forge. The github site would have gWidgets2RGtk2 code, but there is no such function there. The following is my guess as to what you are looking for, but it is a hack so use with caution. (I'm pretty sure the window can't have any other window covering it.)

      da <- getWidget(obj)
       wh <- daGetWidthHeight(da)
       da.w <- wh[1]
       da.h <- wh[2]
       pixbuf <- gdkPixbufGetFromDrawable(src=da$window, src.x=0, src.y=0,
                                          dest.x=0, dest.y=0, width=da.w,        height=da.h)
       out <- try(pixbuf$Save(filename = filename,type=extension), silent=TRUE)