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Android's FULL screen size

I want to get Android device's screen size. I'm using these 3 codes to do this but these are giving me the activity's size; which is without the size of the status bars height. On tablet with 800px height, this code gives 764px. 36px goes to status bar on the bottom.

    Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    Point size = new Point();
    final int width = size.x;
    final int height = size.y;

    Rect rectgle= new Rect();   
    Window window= getWindow();
    int height2= rectgle.bottom;

    DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
    int actualHeight = metrics.heightPixels;

But I need a code which gives me the actual size of the screen. Not the activity's. can anyone help me about this? Thank you.


  • For API Level 17 and above you can use getRealSize()