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Package ANE on OSX cannot find framework

I'm trying to package an ANE (Adobe Native Extension) for Mac OS X. I've managed to do it before, but I can't remember how.

My adt command line:

adt -package -target ane out/com.yprgames.maclib.ane in/extension.xml -swc in/com.yprgames.maclib.swc -platform MacOS-x86 -C in MacLib.framework

gives the following error:

no such file /Users/Yvon/MacLib/in/MacLib.framework

The in directory contains:

drwxr-xr-x  6 Yvon  staff   204 18 aug 13:03 MacLib.framework
-rwxrwxrwx  1 Yvon  staff  2064 17 mei 12:49 com.yprgames.maclib.swc
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 Yvon  staff   444 18 aug 14:25 extension.xml
-rwxrwxrwx  1 Yvon  staff   897 15 mei 12:05 library.swf

and this is the in/extension.xml file:

<extension xmlns="">
    <platform name="MacOS-x86">

What could be the problem? Any help is appreciated.


  • The problem turned out to be wrong line endings. The script file containing the adt command line was created on a Windows machine, and contained \r\n endings. On the Mac the \r was taken to be part of the last file name in the command line.