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How to update database items using multiple threads within a transaction?

I hope you can help me

I'm writing an ASP.NET application and I have to loop on over more than 70,000 datarows within a datatable in order to update database records (each datatable row has information to update a database record). My idea was to break the table into 10,000 rows tables and create some async methods to update the database (one async method per table). I need to make sure every record on the table is updates, so everything is wrapped into a TransacionScope block.

The problem is, when I run the Page.ExecuteRegisteredAsyncTasks() I get a Timeout exception telling me that the max allowed time to get a connection was finished.

My code is as follows

 using (TransactionScope transaccion = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, new TimeSpan(0, 120, 0)))
 //Validando momentos                                        
 compensation_plan, usuario,pagina);

private static void asignaValoresFinales(DataTable dtConsultorasMaster, clCompensationPlan compensation_plan, int usuario,Page pagina)
 List<DataTable> lista_tablas = new List<DataTable>();
 //Separadno la tabla en 30 tablas
 foreach(IEnumerable<DataRow> renglones in LinqExtensions.Split(dtConsultorasMaster.AsEnumerable(), 50))

 foreach (DataTable dtConsultoraCompensationPlan in lista_tablas)
 AsignaValoresFinalesAsincrono tarea = new AsignaValoresFinalesAsincrono();
 PageAsyncTask tarea_asincrona = new PageAsyncTask(tarea.OnBegin, tarea.OnEnd, tarea.OnTimeout, new ContenedorAsignaValoresFinalesAsincrono(dtConsultoraCompensationPlan,compensation_plan,usuario), true);

In order to run the query I'm using a singleton instance, does this affect something? Is there a better way to complete this task rather than split the table and multithread?

Thanks in advance


  • This is a timeout issue in your updates. If the transaction scope is using one connection then you probably need to update the command timeout in either the command or connection string.