When attempting to install the Pow server on my mac, everything appears to be going well. I run curl get.pow.cx | sh
and receive confirmation that the package was installed correctly. However, when I cd ~/.pow
and create the necessary symlink: ln -s /path/to/myapp
I receive the following error: ln: ./myapp: File exists
Upon navigating to http://myapp.dev
I receive the standard Application not found
Troubleshooting steps taken:
Uninstalled pow: curl get.pow.cx/uninstall.sh | sh
Removed the pow folder: rm -Rf ~/.pow
Removed the link: rm -Rf ~/.myapp
Restarted mac
Reinstalled Pow
Still no luck. Any suggestions?
If ln says the file exists, the symlink may already be there?
Once pow is installed, this is what I do:
cd ~/.pow
ln -s ~/dev/myapp myapp
folder has a "public" directory inside of it. It's required.http://myapp.dev
Maybe be explicit with your symlink name, as I was in #2?