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How to add Android to Phonegap Platforms version 3

After much digging, i believe that this problem is related to me not having any platforms added for phonegap to build from. This is missing from their documentation.

When i trying to add a platofrm phonegap

Running code

C:\var\www\\sexdiaries>phonegap platform add andriod
   [error] 'platform add andriod' is not a node C:\Users\Hutber\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_m
 See 'node C:\Users\Hutber\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\phonegap\bin\phonegap.js help'



  keyword            | local environment | remote environment
  android            | ?                 | ?
  blackberry         | ? (BlackBerry 10) | ? (BlackBerry 6)
  ios                | ?                 | ?
  symbian            | ?                 | ?
  webos              | ?                 | ?
  wp7                | ?                 | ?
  wp8                | ?                 | ?


  • For some reason, you can't add platforms in an obvious way so i found this:

    You need to add platform to work with, whilst the documentation is so very very poor:


       phonegap build android


    C:\var\www\\sexdiaries>phonegap build android
    [phonegap] detecting Android SDK environment...
    [phonegap] using the local environment
    [phonegap] adding the Android platform...
     [warning] missing library cordova/android/3.0.0
    [phonegap] downloading;a=snapshot;h=3.0.0;sf=tgz...
    [phonegap] compiling Android...
    [phonegap] successfully compiled Android app

    Then you are good to go, doing an import with Andriod Studio will also work now as you have a project to work with :)
