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Resize evenly GroupBoxs when resizing form

I have a form (600x500 px). In this form there are 2 groupboxes. The first one being 260 px and the second one 330 px.

What I would like is that when I resize the form, those two boxes resize with it, but by keeping the proportions. (the second one bigger then the first).

No matter how I set the Anchor points, I dont seem to be able to do this.


  • You can achieve that with a TableLayoutPanel like this:

    • Add a TableLayoutPanel on your Form. Set the anchor to Left, Top, right (and Bottom in needed) or set Dock property to Fill
    • Add two columns on this TableLayoutPanel (by default there is two columns and two rows, so remove the last row)
    • Insert your GroupBoxs to each cell
    • set the Dock property to Fill or Top for each GroupBox
    • By default the Me.TableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles is System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, so just adjust the first column with in designer as you need.


    Before resizing enter image description here

    After resizing (image is reduced so you can see that it keeps proportion)

    enter image description here