I have this classes:
* @ODM\Document
* @Indexes({
* @Index(keys={"status"="asc", "regDate"="desc", "expDate"="asc", "isFeatured"="asc"}),
* @Index(keys={"status"="asc", "visits.total"="asc", "visists.today"="asc"}),
* @Index(keys={"status"="asc", "price.value"="asc", "regDate"="asc"})
* })
class Product {
* @ODM\Date
protected $regDate;
* @ODM\Date
protected $expire;
* @ODM\EmbedOne(targetDocument="Price")
protected $price;
* @ODM\Boolean
protected $isFeatured;
* @ODM\EmbedMany(targetDocument="Visit")
protected $visits;
* @ODM\EmbeddedDocument
class Price {
* @ODM\Int
protected $value;
* @ODM\String
protected $currency;
* @ODM\EmbeddedDocument
class Visit {
* @ODM\Int
protected $total;
* @ODM\Int
protected $today;
* @ODM\EmbedMany(targetDocument="VisitPerDate")
protected $perDate = array();
* @ODM|EmbeddedDocument
class VisitPerDate {
* @ODM\Date
protected $date;
* @ODM\Int
protected $visit;
I want to apply multiple compound indexes on Product Document.The indexes i wanna to add to database are the following:
{ "status"=1, "regDate"=-1, "expDate"=1, "isFeatured"=1 }
{ "status"=1, "visits.total"=1, "visits.today"=1, "regDate"=1 }
{ "status"=1, "price.value"=1, "regDate"=1 }
Was my Indexing annotation correct? It seems that the first index must be correct,but i think the second and the third index is incorrect!
I think applying indexes is not possible yet by ODM. You may need to apply indexes by a command like this in mongo.exe command line:
use yourDbName