I am trying to create a context of exclusion zone in my layer.
I am trying the following Map File/SQL combo
DATA "geom FROM public.data"
FILTER "layer = %layer_id% AND ST_CONTAINS(ALL(SELECT the_geom FROM public.exclusion_zone WHERE layer = %layer_id%), geom) != true"
Obviously this breaks when there are more then 1 exclusion zone, so how do I do this?
I've tried storedProc's already only to be told MapServer can't find it's SRID as it doesn't appear in the geometry table
The error I am receiving is thus
Query error. Error (ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression ) executing query
Try this:
DATA "geom FROM public.data"
layer = %layer_id% and
not exists
FROM public.exclusion_zone
WHERE layer = %layer_id% and ST_CONTAINS(the_geom, geom)