Search code examples

Truncating returned data in Dust.js template

We are outputting into a Dust.js template, like so:

<li class="link-block clearfix">
    <img class="profile-image" src="{ImagePath}"/>
    <div class="left">
        <a href="{UrlPath}">
            <span class="left">
                <span class="details">{ByLineStart}{ByLineAction}{ByLineEnd}</span>
            <span class="left info">
                <span class="last-reply">{Last}</span>
                <span class="count-small">{ChildCount}</span>

We want to make the "Detail" output truncated in this case at XXX number of characters. Like an RSS feed, the whole block is a clickable area that takes a user into another part of the application. Does anybody have any knowledge of existing Dust Logic that will truncate the value in-line?


  • None that I know of. But you can try the following

    Creating custom helper

    var dust = require("dustjs-linkedin");
    dust.helpers.Truncate = function(chunk, context, bodies, params) {
        var data   = dust.helpers.tap(, chunk, context),
            length = dust.helpers.tap(params.length, chunk, context);
        return chunk.write(data.substr(0, length));


    {@Truncate data="{Detail}" length="15"/}

    If the value XXX you specified in the question is a constant value, then you can create a custom filter like this. In this example XXX is taken as 5.

    var dust = require("dustjs-linkedin");
    dust.filters.t = function(value){
        return value.substr(0, 5);

