I am trying to do an account credit request with Node.js using the following example. But it fails even when I use the sample code without any change. https://docs.balancedpayments.com/current/overview.html?language=node#charge-a-credit-card
balanced.Accounts.get("/v1/marketplaces/TEST-MP60c88vnFHzgzEyzGcbMKic/accounts/AC1a77avbmVTUt8pciwDlMJW/debits", function(err, result) {
var user = balanced.Accounts.nbalanced(result);
user.Debits.create({ amount: 1000 }, function(err, result) {
/* . . . */
It fails after this statement is executed...
var user = balanced.Accounts.nbalanced(result);
The error message I get is...
The following properties are required and are missing or null (id).
Here is the full stack trace...
if (!callback) throw error;
The following properties are required and are missing or null (id).
I found the mistake in the sample code given in the documentation. All I had to do was omit the /debits
from the uri in balanced.Accounts.get
The following code works...
balanced.Accounts.get("/v1/marketplaces/TEST-MP60c88vnFHzgzEyzGcbMKic/accounts/AC1a77avbmVTUt8pciwDlMJW", function(err, result) {
var user = balanced.Accounts.nbalanced(result);
user.Debits.create({ amount: 1000 }, function(err, result) {
/* . . . */