I am running Resque on Heroku, and my database is ClearDB. I am getting this error:
"Mysql2::Error: User 'bdb2aedbee2c38' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10): SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM projects
That error is coming from my Resque admin of my Heroku app.
How can I figure out how many connections Resque is making to ClearDB?
How can I tell ClearDB to either allow more connections, or tell Resque to create less?
Does "current value: 10" refer to how many connections ClearDB is allowing, or is this how many current connections Resque is trying to make?
Your application server dynos or Resque workers are consuming more connections than your database plan provides.
You have two options:
heroku ps:scale
command)The first link when I googled your addons links to the page describing the service and pricing tiers. You are on the free, 10 connection tier.