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ANTLR3 semantic predicates in tree rewriting grammar

I am creating a parser that creates an AST, then rewrites it to resolve all the ambiguities and then walks it and computes the result.

One part of rewriting is transformation of nodes like ^(QUERY ID) into ^(DECIMALQUERY ID) or ^(DATEQUERY ID) depending on the type of the variable that ID represents.

    :   ^(QUERY ID)
        var type = GetQueryType($ID.text); 
    -> { type == QueryType.Decimal }?   ^(DECIMALQUERY ID)
    -> { type == QueryType.Date }?      ^(DATEQUERY ID)
    -> { type == QueryType.String }?    ^(STRINGQUERY ID)

That is, based on type value, QUERY token is transformed into DECIMALQUERY, DATEQUERY or STRINGQUERY.

The problem is that ANTLR refuses to generate code for this grammar. The command is:

java -jar ..\..\binaries\antlr-3.4-complete.jar -message-format vs2005 .\TreeTransform.g

And the error:

.\TreeTransform.g(54,2) : error 100 : syntax error: antlr: MismatchedTokenException(52!=84)
.\TreeTransform.g(53,52) : error 100 : syntax error: assign.types: NoViableAltException(0@[])
org\antlr\grammar\v3\DefineGrammarItemsWalker.g: node from line 53:51 no viable alternative at input ')'
.\TreeTransform.g(53,52) : error 100 : syntax error: buildnfa: NoViableAltException(0@[])
.\TreeTransform.g(53,52) : error 100 : syntax error: codegen: NoViableAltException(0@[])
.\TreeTransform.g(53,52) : error 100 : syntax error: antlr.print: NoViableAltException(0@[])
.\TreeTransform.g(53,52) : error 100 : syntax error: antlr.print: NoViableAltException(0@[])

But when I remove the last semantic predicate, everything works:

    :   ^(QUERY ID)
        var type = GetQueryType($ID.text); 
    -> { type == QueryType.Decimal }?   ^(DECIMALQUERY ID)
    -> { type == QueryType.Date }?      ^(DATEQUERY ID)
    ->                                  ^(STRINGQUERY ID)

But I don't like the idea that type string is the 'default' branch. I would rather have an exception if none of the three predicates yielded true (i.e. a new type was added to the enum, but not to the grammar; if I remove the last predicate, it will fall back to string all the same).

So, my question is:

How do I specify explicitly all the cases for such a type-based switching? Is there a way to force an exception if none of the three alternatives were met?

The complete parser and tree transformer grammars are here:


  • For maximum support of sane error messages, you should use the following:

    -> { type == QueryType.Decimal }?   ^(DECIMALQUERY[$QUERY] ID)
    -> { type == QueryType.Date }?      ^(DATEQUERY[$QUERY] ID)
    -> { type == QueryType.String }?    ^(STRINGQUERY[$QUERY] ID)
    ->                                  ^(INVALIDQUERY[$QUERY] ID)

    You can then report cases where INVALIDQUERY appears in your tree without causing the parser to fail.

    PS: The [$QUERY] argument I added ensures that the token line/column information is preserved in the rewritten tree.