Looking for a solution for a problem I'm having.
I am making a responsive website that has a select tag to allow users to pick which category of blog posts they want to display the html is just a basic select tag.
<select name="">
<option value="">Sort by Category</option>
<option value="">test</option>
<option value="">Test</option>
I then have styled the select tag with the following code
.portfolio-thumbs select {
select {
-webkit-appearance: none;
border-radius: 0;
This works fine on Windows phone but on Iphone, Blackberry and Android the arrow for the select box does not display. Has anyone encountered this problem before and know what i am doing in my CSS to disable the arrow from displaying or have a solution to get the arrow back whilst still being able to style the select how i want.
The -webkit-appearance: none;
line is telling webkit browsers (iPhone, BB and 'droid) to not display the default <select>
appearance. Removing this line will restore the arrow.
As mentioned in the comments, <select>
is a real pain to style. The only realistic option if you want real control of how it looks it to use a replacement technique as mentioned by @AdamMarshal.
Alternatively, if you absolutely must use a <select>
and -webkit-appearance: none;
, add a background image of an arrow.