Is there a simple and fast way to obtain the frequency of each integer that occurs in a vector of integers in R?
Here are my attempts so far:
x <- floor(runif(1000000)*1000)
print('*** using TABLE:')
print('*** using HIST:')
print('*** using SORT')
system.time({cdf<-cbind(sort(x),seq_along(x)); cdf<-cdf[!duplicated(cdf[,1]),2]; c(cdf[-1],length(x)+1)-cdf})
print('*** using ECDF')
system.time({i<-min(x):max(x); cdf<-ecdf(x)(i)*length(x); cdf-c(0,cdf[-length(i)])})
print('*** counting in loop')
system.time({h<-rep(0,max(x)+1);for(i in seq_along(x)){h[x[i]]<-h[x[i]]+1}; h})
#print('*** vectorized summation') #This uses too much memory if x is large
#Note: There are some fail cases in some of the above methods that need patching if, for example, there is a chance that some integer bins are unoccupied
and here are the results:
[1] "*** using TABLE:"
user system elapsed
1.26 0.03 1.29
[1] "*** using HIST:"
user system elapsed
0.11 0.00 0.10
[1] "*** using SORT"
user system elapsed
0.22 0.02 0.23
[1] "*** using ECDF"
user system elapsed
0.17 0.00 0.17
[1] "*** counting in loop"
user system elapsed
3.12 0.00 3.12
As you can see table
is ridiculously slow and hist
seems to be the fastest. But hist
(as I am using it) is working on arbitrarily-specifiable breakpoints, whereas I simply want to bin integers. Isn't there a way to trade that flexibility for better performance?
In C, for(i=0;i<1000000;i++)h[x[i]]++;
would be blisteringly fast.
The fastest is to use tabulate
but it requires positive integers as input, so you have to do a quick monotonic transformation.
x <- as.integer(runif(1e6)*1000)
adj <- 1L - min(x)
y <- setNames(tabulate(x+adj), sort(unique(x)))