I recently started working with an API from https://www.mashape.com/ and I believe that I've gotten the data that I need but I'm not quite sure exactly how I can use it. It returns (I believe) an object which I tried typecasting to an array but I still haven't been successful in pulling out the data I need. That object looks like:
Unirest\HttpResponse Object
[code:Unirest\HttpResponse:private] => 200
[raw_body:Unirest\HttpResponse:private] => {
"_": {
"APP_ID": "server_tracked"
"success": true,
"requestTime": "2013-08-21T21:02:59-07:00",
"shard": "North_America:YjNmMjE4YmVhZjgxN2M0ZGI0ZTU1YzQ0MWZiMzQ5MGJkMjFhMGRmOA",
"data": {
"accountId": 37774341,
"summonerId": 23638303,
"name": "Naughtlok",
"icon": 550,
"internalName": "naughtlok",
"level": 30
[body:Unirest\HttpResponse:private] => stdClass Object
[_] => stdClass Object
[APP_ID] => server_tracked
[success] => 1
[requestTime] => 2013-08-21T21:02:59-07:00
[shard] => North_America:YjNmMjE4YmVhZjgxN2M0ZGI0ZTU1YzQ0MWZiMzQ5MGJkMjFhMGRmOA
[data] => stdClass Object
[accountId] => 37774341
[summonerId] => 23638303
[name] => Naughtlok
[icon] => 550
[internalName] => naughtlok
[level] => 30
[headers:Unirest\HttpResponse:private] => Array
[content-type] => application/json; charset=utf-8
[date] => Thu, 22 Aug 2013 04:02:59 GMT
[server] => Apache-Coyote/1.1
[x-api-calls-remaining] => -1
[X-Mashape-Proxy-Response] => false
[X-Mashape-Version] => 3.1.1
[transfer-encoding] => chunked
[Connection] => keep-alive
Any pointers on I would be able to get for example "Level" out of "Data"?
Mashape sends back a response object, not an array. To access parts of the object you need to point at the object keys with php - here's the relevant section on unirest.io:
Response Reference
Upon recieving a response Unirest returns the result in the form of an Object, this object >should always have the same keys for each language regarding to the response details.
- HTTP Response Status Code (Example200
' - HTTP Response Headers
- Parsed response body where applicable, for example JSON responses are parsed to Objects / Associative Arrays.
- Un-parsed response body
So if you're doing something like print_r($response);
to give us this, do echo $response -> raw_body;
instead, then parse that as JSON (or get the parsed 'body' key).