I am having a Text Like
var data = "âô¢¬ôè÷¢ : ªîø¢è¤ô¢ - ã¿ñ¬ô ñèù¢ ªð¼ñ£÷¢ ï¤ôñ¢,«ñø¢è¤ô¢ - ªð¼ñ£÷¢ ñèù¢ ÝÁºèñ¢ ï¤ô袰ñ¢ ñ¤ì¢ì£ Üò¢òñ¢ ªð¼ñ£ñ¢ð좮 è¤ó£ñ âô¢¬ô袰ñ¢,õìè¢è¤ô¢ - ÝÁºèñ¢ ï¤ôñ¢,è¤öè¢è¤ô¢ - ô좲ñ¤ ï¤ôñ¢ ñø¢Áñ¢ 1,22 ªê ï¤ôñ¢ ð£î¢î¤òñ¢";
and I am Having the Extension Method to split string
public static IEnumerable<string> EnumByLength(this string s, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i += length)
if (i + length <= s.Length)
yield return s.Substring(i, length);
yield return s.Substring(i);
public static string[] SplitByLength(this string s, int maxLen)
var v = EnumByLength(s, maxLen);
if (v == null)
return new string[] { s };
return s.EnumByLength(maxLen).ToArray();
Now my question is
To split this string by Maximum Length 150
and the splitting must be done only by the Nearest Spaces in it..(either before 150
or after 150
.. not in the middle of a word.
My version:
// Enumerate by nearest space
// Split String value by closest to length spaces
// e.g. for length = 3
// "abcd efghihjkl m n p qrstsf" -> "abcd", "efghihjkl", "m n", "p", "qrstsf"
public static IEnumerable<String> EnumByNearestSpace(this String value, int length) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
yield break;
int bestDelta = int.MaxValue;
int bestSplit = -1;
int from = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; ++i) {
var Ch = value[i];
if (Ch != ' ')
int size = (i - from);
int delta = (size - length > 0) ? size - length : length - size;
if ((bestSplit < 0) || (delta < bestDelta)) {
bestSplit = i;
bestDelta = delta;
else {
yield return value.Substring(from, bestSplit - from);
i = bestSplit;
from = i + 1;
bestSplit = -1;
bestDelta = int.MaxValue;
// String's tail
if (from < value.Length) {
if (bestSplit >= 0) {
if (bestDelta < value.Length - from)
yield return value.Substring(from, bestSplit - from);
from = bestSplit + 1;
if (from < value.Length)
yield return value.Substring(from);
var list = data.EnumByNearestSpace(150).ToList();