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How might I obtain the IContextMenu that is displayed in an IShellView context menu?

Building a file open dialog replacement. Much of it works now, but I would like to generate the view-mode drop-down for the toolbar directly from the shell view object.

Looking at IShellView2, I can see IShellView2::GetView() will give me the FOLDERVIEWMODE's supported. However, that doesn't give me the names of these modes, nor format that popup menu for me, nor immediately give me a way to actually set one of those modes (it would appear it is necessary to destroy the shell view window and create a replacement one for the current folder and specify the new FOLDERVIEWMODE desired... yeesh).

At any rate, if one right clicks on an IShellView window, one gets a context menu, the first submenu of which is exactly what I want to place in my drop-down toolbar button (ie. the "view" fly-out menu (e.g. Small Icons, Medium Icons, etc.)).

It seems like there ought to be a way to grab that submenu directly from the IShellView, rather than having to hardcode my values (and that way, if a given instance of IShellView supports extra view modes, they'd be there. Similarly, those which should be disabled would be, since it would all be under the IShellView's control).

I have read Raymond Chen's excellent How to host an IContextMenu. Unfortunately, that just gives me a very simplistic context menu - the one for the folder itself, or for a file in a given folder, but NOT the context menu for the IShellView's shell view window (from which I might obtain the view fly-out).

I have tried the following, based on Chen's article:

CComQIPtr<IContextMenu> pcm(m_shell_view); // <<-- FAIL resulting pointer is NULL <<<

// create a blank menu
CMenu menu;
if (!menu.CreatePopupMenu())
    throw CContextException("Unable to create an empty menu in which to store the context menu: ");

// obtain the full popup menu we need
if (FAILED(m_hresult = pcm->QueryContextMenu(menu, 0, SCRATCH_QCM_FIRST, SCRATCH_QCM_LAST, CMF_NORMAL)))
    throw CLabeledException("Unable to query the context menu for the current folder");

// display the menu to the user
// menu.getsubmenu
::TrackPopupMenu(menu, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT)|TPM_TOPALIGN|TPM_LEFTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, m_shell_view_hwnd, NULL);

Unfortunately, the attempt to query the m_shell_view (which is an IShellView*) for its IContextMenu interface fails. This "works":

// retrieve our current folder's PIDL
PidlUtils::Pidl pidl(m_folder);

// get the context menu for the current folder
CComPtr<IContextMenu> pcm;
if (FAILED(m_hresult = GetUIObjectOf(m_owner->m_hWnd, pidl, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pcm))))
    throw CLabeledException("Unable to obtain the PIDL for the current folder");

But here I get only a very few options in the context menu (Open, Explore, ...). Not the detailed context menu that I get if I simply right click on the shell view itself.

I'm out of ideas as to how to proceed. Help?! ;)


  • Try IShellView::GetItemObject with SVGIO_BACKGROUND as uItem to get a IContextMenu on the view object :