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Oracle CLOB can't insert beyond 4000 characters?

How do I insert more than 4000 characters to a CLOB type column?

--create test table s
create table s
      a clob
insert into s values('>4000 char')

Results in an error:

ORA-01704:the string too long.

I want to insert a string of >4000 characters one time. How do I do it? Is it possible?

When I read the Oracle reference, CLOB can save max 4GB(Gigabyte)?


  • The maximum for one time insertion is 4000 characters (the maximum string literal in Oracle). However you can use the lob function dbms_lob.append() to append chunks of (maximum) 4000 characters to the clob:

    CREATE TABLE don (x clob);
     l_clob clob;
      FOR i IN 1..10
        INSERT INTO don (x) VALUES (empty_clob()) --Insert an "empty clob" (not insert null)
        RETURNING x INTO l_clob;
        -- Now we can append content to clob (create a 400,000 bytes clob)
        FOR i IN 1..100
          dbms_lob.append(l_clob, rpad ('*',4000,'*'));
          --dbms_lob.append(l_clob, 'string chunk to be inserted (maximum 4000 characters at a time)');
        END LOOP;
      END LOOP;